zondag 31 juli 2011


Joris and I were sitting around and he was talking about how he'd like to be by the sea and sort of describing the house he'd like to be in and what we'd do and then he went ok lets go on holiday and then he looked up tickets and just booked two to Naples. So yup now we're going to Naples. I really like that Joris is a person like this. If it were me I'd go ok yes lets go on a holiday and then I'd spend a week thinking about where and I'd look for tickets and keep finding different places and then the place I'd go would be called nowhere.

I'm really excited. I've never been to Italy and also because it is HOT in Naples and also BEACHES.

look how dreamy

zondag 17 juli 2011

i have recently been informed

that I check the weather an abnormal amount. I'd say about 5-500 times a day. The reason I check it so often is because I am hopeful that the next time I look at it it won't still look like this:

Basically if you were anywhere in the world and someone put a gun to your head and said correctly tell me the weather in amsterdam right now you would almost certainly walk away unscathed if you said raining.

woensdag 13 juli 2011


not well. that's even an understatement. we were APPALLING.

they asked sooo many questions about dutch things. For example:

1. Who wrote the book Mijn vader woont in Brazilie?
2. What was the last hit single of the Dutch band, Krezip?

The answer to both these questions is:

There were loads more, but I can't even remember them because they were about Dutch tv shows and stuff. Also the first round was just 10 pictures of different dutch ice skaters and you had to name all of them. Seriously, who cares about ice skaters, maybe figure skating is kind of pretty to watch if you're THE MOST BORED EVER. Ice skating is just dangerous and cold. That's it.

One of the most important people to have on your team if you are doing a general knowledge quiz is a person who knows about sports.So this week I am going to find a friend who is good at sport and then next week I'm going back and I'm going to win. Well not win. I'm definitely not going to win, but I'm going to go back and not lose. Aiming low. Low is great, never a disappointment.

dinsdag 12 juli 2011

andre told me my blog is lacking


but really it's true. i never, ever write on here anymore and I'm not sure why that is. I think it's cause I finally feel like I live here or something so I feel like i don't have great little holiday things to say. This is really rubbish cause it's not like I was writing about sipping cocktails on the beach, or some epic mountain adventure where i found inner peace or anything. I wish. Only the cocktail part. It's kind of the same as inner peace. Tonight Joris and I are going to do a general knowledge quiz thing at the bar next door. The bar next door and I have become best friends since I locked myself out of the house a week or two ago and had to sit there for ages just waiting for Joris to come home. I met probably the worst people you could meet that night, a death metal drummer and a 40 something year old woman from Alaska who has sold everything (which I imagine wasn't much since she worked at a bar in Alaska) and was just travelling around the world. A real highlight was when she told me she could speak kiwi and australian. It's the sort of thing that maybe would seem romantic or courageous or something if she hadn't been
a) really unattractive (i know that's mean, but come on if she had been some nice willowy brunette it would just have been a better story)
b) not very bright
c) insane

So anyway tonight general knowledge quiz. The questions are going to be in Dutch so now not only will I have to suffer the indignity of probably not knowing that many answers (this is not true, i'm EXCELLENT AT KNOWLEDGE) , but just plain not understanding the questions. 

So yup. Probably got you all just eagerly awaiting the next installment called "how general knowledge evening went."

That's what it will be called. Seriously. Don't get too excited.